Winter Youth Rally 2023 - Episode 14
Read MoreThe starting place in parenting is to look in a mirror and examine our own character and discipline before we impose something on our children. If we can't ask our children to emulate us, we have a problem. We ought to desire to be the chief influence in the lives of our children. The hope of the future is not our children but those who are training them. Failure to restrain and train ourselves and our own appetites is the root of most problems in parenting. Your children need you to be what they are not so that one day they can be what you are.
Read MoreUsing an administrative detail in the early church, Luke reminds us of the story of Judas and teaches as invaluable lessons. Evil and treachery did not catch God by surprise, but no doubt, Judas likely never thought his treachery would lead to his demise.
Read MoreOf utmost importance in raising children is the environment they are brought up in. The Bible gives us the deliberate analogy of archery. Through discipline and training you can point an arrow at a target and hit the mark. Wishing and hoping will not help you in hitting that goal. God’s grace notwithstanding, children will hit the target they are pointed at. If an arrow fails to hit the target, we rarely blame the arrow; we look elsewhere—as we must in parenting. It is exceedingly hard for a child to become what a parent is not and for a child to behave in a way in which they have not been trained. Parenting must be done on purpose.
Read MoreThe ascension of Christ was a spectacular, awe-inspiring event that left the disciples dumbfounded, both because of the glory of it…and because of the let down. Christ their constant companion, teacher, and leader for three years was now gone. His earthly ministry had culminated in this moment and now—silence. They were standing gazing into heaven, but the work was only just beginning. They were left for a purpose. They should have been going. How many of us have been guilty of gazing instead of going?
Read MoreIn Ephesians chapter 4 verse 1, there is an invitation to be a genuine, authentic Christian, and genuine, authentic Christianity leads to something. It leads to self-giving love; it is manifested through self-giving love.
Read MoreThe Christian church is to be the organization in the world that exists for non-members. It is vital that our church have as its goal, from the book of Acts, reaching outside our walls to affect change in our world.
Read MoreActs is a continuation of the story of Christ. He promised to give His power to His disciples so that His work could continue. His work continues to be accomplished through His disciples. For our part, that work is still ongoing and incomplete. We are to accomplish a work outside our borders in Christ's power.
Read MoreTo whom much is given (in terms of grace), much is required (in terms of grace). God does not intend His grace to be poured into a bottomless pit. He intends for us to grow in the grace He has given us. As people who should grow in grace, in all of its various forms, Paul emphasized the need to grow in giving. Giving can be something that has a negative connotation, but Paul presents it as an opportunity in light of all that God has given us. Giving is a demonstration. We have, in giving, an opportunity to demonstrate our love for Christ.
Read MoreWalking worthy means living an authentic, genuine Christianity. However, you cannot become authentic and genuine until you become aware of who you are now. You must be self aware in order to change. In order to become self aware, you need the help of Christ and the help of others. It's your story. Make it real; make it genuine.
Read MoreEvery institution that doesn't give effort to staying on course, will not. The book of Acts tells the church where it came from and what it is supposed to be doing. The book of Acts is a history of the Church. We need to ask ourselves, "Do we share the early church's power, enthusiasm, and mission?" Acts is about God and His intent to work through you by the Spirit to be an agent of change in this world. It's not just about us doing what's right, but what is right by the power of His Spirit.
Read MoreThe Psalmist David presents us with a challenge to ascend to the hill of God. A special place reserved for Christians that desire closeness to God. This ascent is aided by focusing on the path, people, and practices that help us accomplish this lofty goal.
Read MoreLearning to wait on the Lord was something Moses and the children of Israel struggled to do thousands of years ago. Is it any wonder that we still struggle with waiting on Him today? When we wait on on the Lord our strength grows and we give time for Him to work in our hearts and the circumstances of our lives.
Read MoreKnowing that Christ loves you isn’t the same thing as comprehending His love. When we apply ourselves to comprehending His love our confidence and purpose are strengthened. We have no excuse for insecurity or despair because of His great love for us.
Read MoreEvery generation needs first generation faith. Parents forcing their own religion on their kids and making it a prison will only drive them away. Instead, the kids should see happy parents who truly love the Lord and have a relationship with Him. That is what will encourage them to develop their own relationship with Him.
Read MoreThe Lord loves us and pays attention to us. He wants us to have that same love and attention towards Him and towards others. Giving gifts this time of year is great, but it’s not a substitute for giving someone your time or attention and truly investing in their life.
Read MoreSin brought darkness into the world. This darkness is in reference to both evil and ignorance. The world is full of untold suffering, violence, and injustice. Mankind often looks in all of the wrong places for help; mankind thinks he can overcome this darkness in his own resources, yet the darkness prevails. However, the Light of the World has come and offers light; we can experience His light. We have a light that shines in a dark place.
Read MoreWe can all have the kind of heart that finds favor with God. Mary’s world was turned upside down in a terrifying way, but she gave a resounding, joy-filled “yes” back to God. When God interrupts our lives, how will we respond? God doesn’t chose us for selfish joy; He often interrupts us and asks us to forsake our ease and our comfort for a task that requires all of us.
Read MoreThere will be a new heaven and new earth. The old will pass away, and God will make all things new. It will be spectacular, and God will be there. In light of this wonderful reality, what manner of persons ought we to be. We are to live our lives anticipating that day. We should be so heavenly minded that we do much earthly good.
Read MoreSuffering is a universal human experience. However, we can rejoice in physical suffering because Christ suffered the wrath of God for us so that we could have a relationship with Him. In the midst of all things, good and bad, we can find gratitude because of Christ and all we have in Him. We must divorce our gratitude from our circumstances. We can rise above our circumstances with a heart of gratitude because we have Christ.
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