Posts in 2 Peter
Light That Shines in a Dark Place - Episode 101

Sin brought darkness into the world. This darkness is in reference to both evil and ignorance. The world is full of untold suffering, violence, and injustice. Mankind often looks in all of the wrong places for help; mankind thinks he can overcome this darkness in his own resources, yet the darkness prevails. However, the Light of the World has come and offers light; we can experience His light. We have a light that shines in a dark place.

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The Book of 2 Peter | The Day of the Lord Will Come | Episode - 18

The world may scoff. The world may mock and ask, “Where is the Lord?” But the reality is that the Lord is coming back; it will be a day of judgment, and it will not be a good day for those opposed to God. However, God is long-suffering, and every day He delays His coming is a display of His patience. The only reason He delays His coming is that men might repent. God values lost people, and we ought to be part of the process of bring men to faith in Him.

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The Book of 2 Peter | What's in Your Well - Episode 15

The belief that “we can do what we want because we are already saved” is empty. The people that teach that and similar beliefs are like a well without water. They have no depth; their lives are empty. Are you a dry well? If someone came to you would they leave thirsty or quenched? How do you fill your well? By going to Christ every day. He is the everlasting water. We are all subject to other influences in our lives. We can be mastered by God or self, but we can’t be mastered by both. Every time you give in to your own selfish wants and desires, you become more of a slave to self. We can overcome that, but we have to make God our master. We have to love Him, know Him, and want to serve Him.

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The Book of 2 Peter | The Judge and the Deliverer - Episode 9

God is going to deliver the righteous, and He is going to punish the unjust. He judged wicked people in the Old Testament, and it is consistent with His character that He would judge the ungodly in the present. However, just as God delivered the righteous in the Old Testament, when trials come in the lives of the righteous, it is consistent with His character the He would deliver them.

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The Book of 2 Peter | Remember & Don't Forget - Episode 4

Peter is at the end of his life and this is the final letter he writes to strengthen the brethren as Christ had instructed him to do. This is his final, parting advice to all believers. In this increasingly dark world, he exhorts us to remember the Word of God we have been taught. In a world full of things that can't be trusted, it is trustworthy and can be a guide to our lives.

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