You will always get, in the end, what you choose. You have a binary choice: will you choose to enter eternity with Christ or without Christ?
Read MoreThe infinite God left paradise and love to dwell in a fallen world and face abuse. It is the ultimate demonstration of love. It is the ultimate gift. Often, our default response to this gift is to focus on ourselves and what we gain. However, a correct response is to seek to give to others because of all we’ve been given.
Read MoreEveryone goes though hard times in life, but we can always hold on to these truths: God is good, God is light, God is faithful, and He is ours. When we think we are in the grip of our circumstances, we are really in the grip of a reliable God.
Read MoreThe world economic system will fail; the kingdom of Babylon will fall. Those who are part of this kingdom will weep, not at the judgment of God but at the loss of their prosperity. Those of God's kingdom will rejoice. Christ will return as a mighty warrior--the King of kings. with the host of Heaven behind Him, He will decimate those who oppose Him. Everyone who has ever existed, including you, will see that day from one of two perspectives. We are to come out from among to those who are part of this world's kingdom. We Should have no treasure in Babylon. It will fall.
Read MoreWe need to learn to inconvenience ourselves. Getting involved in the nitty gritty of the lives of other people is not something Christians generally do well. However, Christ is concerned that we not only avoid evil but that we also do good.
Read MoreGod's version of good and our version of good are not always the same. God has a purpose for our pain. Pain has the power to deepen our relationship with the Lord, to make us more like Christ, and to allow us to help other people through their pain. Even when our circumstances aren't good, God's purposes are. His grace is sufficient.
Read MoreGrieving the loss of a loved one is not something you simply get over. You can get over a break or a sprain, but you never get over an amputation. It changes your life forever. You will never get over it, and God doesn't expect you to. However, you can get through it.
Read MoreA lack of gratitude creates something that is ugly. It is destructive and originates with Satan. Discontentment robs us of the joy of having enough. Discontentment is a complaint against God and would be better directed at ourselves than at our circumstances. All of us are where we are for a reason. We often find ourselves on the road we travel down. We live in a world of sowing and reaping: good for good and evil for evil. Additionally, we are where we are because God has at least allowed us to be here. Through faith, we can have joy in the midst of our circumstances knowing that He is in control.
Read MoreOur default is to think and to live without gratitude. We have a negativity bias. Good is never good enough for us. This default to ingratitude is destructive. We pay a price for it. It is a form of self-harm. All of this is a product of narcissism. Until you see yourself for who you are and recognize all you've been given, this default that harms yourself will continue.
Read MoreAt the end of chapter 17, Satan's kingdom, which began at the beginning of time, will be ended and the world's religious system along with it. God's judgment and sovereignty will again be demonstrated. God's hatred and unfiltered feelings toward religion and anything else that pulls man away from Himself is on graphic display in this text. What are the harlots and what is in the golden cup that keep us from an intimate relationship with God? God forbid that, in our lives, there would be any part of the structure that one day He intends to destroy.
Read More2022 Marriage Enrichment Conference | Session 4
Read More2022 Marriage Enrichment Conference | Session 3
Read More2022 Marriage Enrichment Conference | Session 2
Read More2022 Marriage Enrichment Conference | Session 1
Read MoreWe have all experienced God's grace in a mighty way. It has saved us, and it has changed us. Having experienced God's grace, having experienced His goodness, we are to be conduits of that goodness. If we choose to be nominal Christians and choose not to avail ourselves to the grace available, we not only diminish our own lives, but we diminish the lives of others because we cease to be conduits.
Read MoreGod sometimes lets us face hard times because He knows we will go through even more difficult times in the future. He’s preparing us. If we’re not careful, we can complain about these difficulties and fail to realize that God is preparing us for something even more difficult. If we can’t take the prep, how will we ever handle the real test?
Read MoreJesus is the only One with power over death and sin. In order to experience the life He has to offer, we must believe in Him. We must seize the opportunity. Never presume He will pass by your way again. Seize the opportunity.
Read MoreNew things often lose their value. However, when it comes to relationships, the more time that has passed, the greater the value of the relationship. If one continues in persistent well-doing, he will find great value in long-term relationships.
Read MoreExpressing gratitude directly counteracts the effects of your default happiness set-point. Gratitude will produce a happier and better life. If you want to move your happiness set-point, express gratitude. If you want a better life, find gratitude.
Read MorePain and suffering may change direction, but neither can change the heart. Suffering only hardens a heart that has rejected God. We must allow His goodness to lead us to repentance because His wrath will not. And God's wrath is a terrible thing to experience.
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