Posts in Luke
The Heart of God - Season 4, Episode 11

Guest speaker Kevin Folger explores Jesus’ three parables about lostness and repentance, emphasizing God’s deep love for sinners and His joy in their return. Through the lost sheep, the lost coin, and the prodigal son, the sermon highlights God’s pursuit of each soul and the dangers of both rebellion and self-righteousness. The message challenges believers to develop a genuine relationship with God, cultivate compassion, and actively seek the lost, reflecting God’s heart in their lives.

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Luke, Kevin FolgerBenjamin Siens
A Message from the Angel - Episode 141

In this episode, Pastor Daniel explores the biblical story of Zachariah and Elizabeth, focusing on themes of faith, prayer, and divine promise. He discusses Zachariah’s transformative encounter with the angel Gabriel, who announces the impending birth of John the Baptist. Despite Zachariah’s initial disbelief due to their advanced age and years of unanswered prayers, the narrative reveals profound lessons about trusting in God's timing and listening to His voice. Pastor Daniel emphasizes the importance of remaining spiritually sensitive and joyful in God's presence, reminding listeners that God's answers may come unexpectedly but are always fulfilling.

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Luke, Daniel FleetBenjamin Siens
A Troubled Heart - Episode 108

In this sermon, Pastor Dorrell describes the angst that defines modern society and helps us see ourselves in the person of Martha, a woman who was so encumbered that she couldn’t appreciate the grace and peace that was available in her own house. We are reminded to trust God with our anxieties and find joy in the things he has given us to find joy in.

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Troy Dorrell, LukeBenjamin Siens
Give Him Thanks - Episode 43

In this powerful sermon, Pastor Daniel explores the importance of gratitude through the story of the ten lepers healed by Jesus in Luke 17:11-19. While all ten were physically healed, only one returned to express thanks, demonstrating a profound understanding of the spiritual significance of gratitude. Through this message, discover how gratitude can change your direction, humble your heart, and bring you into a deeper encounter with God.

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Rejected Love - Episode 22

In this episode, we once again dive into the parable of the prodigal son, emphasizing the elder brother's resentment and the father's plea for reconciliation and unity. It is naive to think we can be right with the Father without being right with those he loves. The elder brother actually demonstrates a resentment for the Father and the love that was part of his nature.

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Troy Dorrell, LukeBenjamin Siens
The Prodigal - Episode 17

In this episode, we explore the parable of the prodigal son, a tale of a young man who disrespects cultural norms by asking for his inheritance prematurely. He leaves his family and Jewish heritage to live among the Gentiles, squandering his wealth on reckless and immoral living. Eventually, he hits rock bottom, unable to pay his debts, and decides to return to his father. We are reminded that we must come to God on His terms, approaching Him with humility and repentance, recognizing that salvation is not earned through works or bargaining but through faith in Jesus Christ and His sacrifice.

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Luke, Troy DorrellBenjamin Siens
A Tale of Two Sons | Episode - 14

In this episode, we explore the parable of the prodigal son in Luke 15. Jesus tells this story to religious leaders who are critical of his association with sinners. The parable highlights the themes of redemption, grace, and celebration, reminding us that there is always hope for those who have strayed to return to their Father's love. We are all prodigals who have squandered God's goodness, but God longs to forgive and welcome us back. The story is a call to turn from self-righteousness and hypocrisy and to extend love, kindness, and grace to others. Join us as we dive into this powerful reminder of God's grace and love.

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Troy Dorrell, LukeBenjamin Siens
More than a Great Prophet - Episode 12

In this powerful message, we explore how Jesus purposefully enters the small town of Nain, where a widow is mourning the loss of her only son. Despite her emotional and financial desperation, Jesus shows up and offers more than just compassion - He provides a solution. He confronts our tendency to carry shame and devastation, assuming that nothing can be done, and invites us to humble ourselves and ask for His help. Don't miss this encouraging reminder that God can intervene in our darkest moments and turn our funeral processions into victorious marches.

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Renew a Right Spirit - Episode 120

This message highlights the tendency of humans to be more critical of others than of themselves and how this attitude can be detrimental to ourselves and Christ's mission. Listeners are encouraged to adopt the spirit of Christ and respond in grace rather than self-righteousness and anger in order to preserve good.

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Troy Dorrell, LukeBenjamin Siens
Bridge Builders | Who Cares - Episode 55

An expert in Old Testament Law asked Jesus, “Who is my neighbor?” In response to this question, Jesus told the parable of the Good Samaritan. At the end of the story, Jesus turned the question back on this man, and instructed him to rather ask, “Whose neighbor are you?” One of the main ways we build bridges in our relationships is by selflessly loving and caring for others without conditions.

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