Posts in Apocalypse
The Apocalypse | Come out from Among Them - Episode 94

The world economic system will fail; the kingdom of Babylon will fall. Those who are part of this kingdom will weep, not at the judgment of God but at the loss of their prosperity. Those of God's kingdom will rejoice. Christ will return as a mighty warrior--the King of kings. with the host of Heaven behind Him, He will decimate those who oppose Him. Everyone who has ever existed, including you, will see that day from one of two perspectives. We are to come out from among to those who are part of this world's kingdom. We Should have no treasure in Babylon. It will fall.

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The Apocalypse | The End of Satan's Kingdom - Episode 88

At the end of chapter 17, Satan's kingdom, which began at the beginning of time, will be ended and the world's religious system along with it. God's judgment and sovereignty will again be demonstrated. God's hatred and unfiltered feelings toward religion and anything else that pulls man away from Himself is on graphic display in this text. What are the harlots and what is in the golden cup that keep us from an intimate relationship with God? God forbid that, in our lives, there would be any part of the structure that one day He intends to destroy.

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The Apocalypse | What Goes with Us in Death - Episode 72

One day very soon, the Lord is going to return, and He will execute revenge on all of those who’ve oppressed His people. But He’s not just returning to make things right; He’s also bringing with Him a reward for those who have done good. We must make it a goal every day of our lives to remember that that day is coming very soon and we need to be ready for it.

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The Apocalypse | The Contrast Christians Should Have - Episode 67

True Christians entrust their care to Christ, no matter what the world brings their way. True followers of Christ are not fair-weather believers. No matter what life brings us, it has passed through the hands of our savior, and we are protected. We are to rest in that fact. Our contrast with the world should not change because our way of life is threatened.

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The Apocalypse | The False Prophet - Episode 52

The word of God repeatedly warns us against believing the deceptive teachings of false prophets. There is perhaps no greater danger to God’s people than the intentional mixing of truth and falsehood. As God’s timetable for our planet draws to a conclusion, there will be a proliferation of those who will teach a compromised version of God’s word for selfish gain and self aggrandizement. The apex of all those who distort the truth of the Bible will be the Antichrist and his false prophet.

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The Apocalypse | The Beast Out of the Sea - Episode 49

The inevitable cannot be escaped. Life in a fallen world has inevitable hardship and hurt. We can't escape all things, but by the grace of God, we can survive all things. The things that hurt us do not have to destroy us. We win by dying in faith. A world of darkness and God-hating is inevitable. Be prepared for the inevitability of hardship, and be ready to endure it in faith.

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The Apocalypse | A War in Heaven and on Earth - Episode 46

Even against the most hostile attack, God is greater. We overcome our spiritual deficit and fate not though ourselves or anything we do, but by the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. It was that event on the cross that allows us to stand before God one day cleansed by the blood of the Lamb. Nothing Satan can do will take that away. It does not matter if it looks like Satan is winning both on earth and in our lives, we don’t have to be discouraged because we know that God is greater and that He has already won. However, even though Satan’s doom is sure, that does not mean he is not fighting and causing casualties. What are you doing to help the winning side? You can’t win a war you won’t fight in. We need to be soldiers in this life.

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The Apocalypse | The Adversary - Episode 43

The Bible teaches that pride always goes before destruction and a fall. The greatest and most consequential of these falls was and is the fall of Satan. He went from spectacular and exalted to enemy of God and adversary of men. He is full of animosity toward God and every part of his kingdom, including us. We have a spiritual adversary who targets us with his vitriol and hatred. A lack of awareness and caution leaves us extremely vulnerable. Our thinking and philosophies must be grounded in Truth. If Satan can get you to believe a lie, he has, in some measure, won.

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The Apocalypse | Two Kingdoms - Episode 40

We are either a part of the Kingdom of God, or we are a part of the kingdom of this world. Those are the only two options, and they are mutually exclusive. We're taught that this absolutism is not legitimate. We are told to reject anything that is absolutist. If we are not careful, in an effort to embrace this ideology, we may swear fealty to the kingdom of this word, one of the two. Christianity isn't a choice among many valid choices. Christianity is a Truth.

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The Apocalypse | Demonic Invasion - Episode 31

The fifth and sixth trumpet represent the greatest judgments the world has ever seen. Demons rise up from below the earth to torment men. They unleash horror and pain. They turn against those who have worshiped them. Sin and darkness always turn against those who serve them. In all of this, men do not repent of the priorities they have given their lives to. Humanity, in its fallenness, gives itself to that which wounds, kills, and destroys. As a dog returns to his vomit, so a fool returns to his folly.

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The Apocalypse | When the Trumpets Blow - Episode 29

The trumpets bring about staggering apocalyptic events as God’s wrath is poured out on the earth. The judgment described in chapter 8 is both sobering and unimaginable. The judgment reveals the hardness of men’s hearts as they refuse to repent, even in the face of awesome displays of power and wrath. Sin has a callousing effect on the human heart. We would be prudent to check the condition of our own hearts.

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The Apocalypse | The Beginning of the End - Episode 23

As Jesus begins to break the seals in chapter 6, the events that follow are awful and terrifying. God effectively removes all restraining grace from the earth, and man is left to face the consequences of his own depravity. The result is catastrophic. We’re reading of a future reality; what should be our response? Future realities ought to press themselves into present conduct and behavior. This revelation is a demonstration of what our sin looks like unchecked. The irony of the tribulation is that those who sided with Satan think they are winning. Their sin brings them gain for a short time, but the reality of sin is that it will always cannibalize itself. Every time we willfully sin we bring tribulation on ourselves.

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