Happiness Is a Help - Episode 74

Doctrinal, biblical teaching is of vital importance for our children. It plays a vital role in developing a love for God in the hearts of our children. However, happiness helps. Happiness can create a special affection in their hearts for the things of God if connected with the things of God.

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The Apocalypse | What Goes with Us in Death - Episode 72

One day very soon, the Lord is going to return, and He will execute revenge on all of those who’ve oppressed His people. But He’s not just returning to make things right; He’s also bringing with Him a reward for those who have done good. We must make it a goal every day of our lives to remember that that day is coming very soon and we need to be ready for it.

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The Apocalypse | The Contrast Christians Should Have - Episode 67

True Christians entrust their care to Christ, no matter what the world brings their way. True followers of Christ are not fair-weather believers. No matter what life brings us, it has passed through the hands of our savior, and we are protected. We are to rest in that fact. Our contrast with the world should not change because our way of life is threatened.

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Close Enough to Help - Episode 65

In the Christian life, brothers and sisters in Christ are running together and along side one another. We all slip up; we all stumble. It is only human. When that happens, it is the responsibility of those brothers and sisters around us to help. We are to help one another. However, we cannot help one another if we are not close enough to do so. We cannot bare burdens at arm’s length. It requires connection.

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Ebenezer - Episode 63

When was the last time you needed God to do something special in your life? When was the last time you really needed God? The challenge from this message is simple: live in such a way that you need God. We all need stories to tell about what God is doing in our lives and if we don’t have them, maybe we are not doing all we can and should for God.

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