What you know should inform what you do. Israel was failing to remember their relationship with God. The relationship they had known should have informed their behavior, but they had forgotten. We must remember.
Read MoreNoah displayed gratitude towards God by offering a sacrifice even when it was not commanded of him. He simply thought of God’s goodness to him and his family. This recognition led him to a heart of gratitude.
Read MoreGod's final judgment is looming just over the horizon of human history. Our Good is holy, and He despises the sin in our hearts and in His world. Our sin and our rejection of His salvation offends Him. The day of God's wrath is coming. He will judge the world and make all things right. In light of this reality, what manner of person ought you to be?
Read MoreDoctrinal, biblical teaching is of vital importance for our children. It plays a vital role in developing a love for God in the hearts of our children. However, happiness helps. Happiness can create a special affection in their hearts for the things of God if connected with the things of God.
Read MoreEvery person has an innate desire to be accepted and included. Jesus was amazingly approachable. He was a friend of sinners. He was a conduit of God's grace. We need to be the same.
Read MoreOne day very soon, the Lord is going to return, and He will execute revenge on all of those who’ve oppressed His people. But He’s not just returning to make things right; He’s also bringing with Him a reward for those who have done good. We must make it a goal every day of our lives to remember that that day is coming very soon and we need to be ready for it.
Read MoreHumanity has been given the amazing opportunity to choose God. However, humanity has largely refused Him collectively and individually. We will all be held eternally accountable for the choice we make.
Read MoreGod wants us to know what it’s like to be satisfied with him. The more we experience the satisfaction He can offer, the closer we will grow to Him, and the more in tune we will be with His mission.
Read MoreTrue Christians entrust their care to Christ, no matter what the world brings their way. True followers of Christ are not fair-weather believers. No matter what life brings us, it has passed through the hands of our savior, and we are protected. We are to rest in that fact. Our contrast with the world should not change because our way of life is threatened.
Read MoreGod’s expectation of us is that we be moderate in our relationships. Tension is the default in most relationships, but moderation should lead to unity behind the mission of the church.
Read MoreIn the Christian life, brothers and sisters in Christ are running together and along side one another. We all slip up; we all stumble. It is only human. When that happens, it is the responsibility of those brothers and sisters around us to help. We are to help one another. However, we cannot help one another if we are not close enough to do so. We cannot bare burdens at arm’s length. It requires connection.
Read MoreHow you come to the Lord matters. How you respond to Christ determines His response to you. No one loves you like the Lord, but the response you get from Him will be a direct result of the response you give to Him.
Read MoreWhen was the last time you needed God to do something special in your life? When was the last time you really needed God? The challenge from this message is simple: live in such a way that you need God. We all need stories to tell about what God is doing in our lives and if we don’t have them, maybe we are not doing all we can and should for God.
Read MoreAs a church family, we are instructed to give to the work of the Lord equally. If one member (or group of members) gives more than another, less is being accomplished, and some are being over burdened. Christ desires everyone to be involved in accomplishing his mission for the church.
Read MoreWe have a choice before us regarding our giving. Our choice will reflect what we esteem, what’s important to us. We make choices about what’s important to us every moment of every day. We choose what to invest our limited resources in.
Read MoreThe paradox of Proverb 11:24 runs throughout the Word of God. Open hands lead to more, and clenched hands lead to less. When it comes to generosity or the lack thereof, you will live in the environment you create.
Read MoreAs Children of God, we all face very big moments, moments in which someone's eternal destiny may be on the line. However, when faced with these moments, we often make excuses. If you say "yes" to the excuse, you say "no" to the opportunity. We must focus on the opportunity, not the excuses.
Read MoreThere are many things in life we may wish we could forget. At the same time, there are many things we better not forget. We are to have compassion on those who have not because we were once those who had not. God is saying, "Have mercy on the have nots because you used to be one too." God forbid we ever lose sight of what we were.
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