Posts in Hebrews
Faith That Defies Fear: The Legacy of Moses’ Parents - Season 4, Episode 21

In this episode, Pastor Dorrell explores the faith of Moses through the lens of Hebrews 11, emphasizing the pivotal role of his parents’ faith. Facing Pharaoh’s deadly decree, they courageously hid Moses, trusting in God’s plan. Raised in both Pharaoh’s house and his parents’ faith, Moses ultimately chose to follow God, leading Israel out of Egypt with fearless conviction. This sermon highlights the power of faith to overcome obstacles and the importance of instilling steadfast trust in God within the next generation.

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Hebrews | Choosing Rather - Season 4, Episode 20

Faith is about making intentional choices that align with God’s will, even when the world offers an easier path. In this sermon, Pastor Dorrell explores Hebrews 11:24-27, highlighting Moses’ decision to reject worldly privilege in favor of a life of faith and purpose. Our choices shape our legacy, and God calls us to steward our time, talents, and resources for His kingdom. By prioritizing faith, serving others, and investing in what truly matters, we can leave a lasting impact and experience the rewards of a life lived for Him.

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Encouragement of Being Present - Season 4, Episode 19

In this episode, Pastor Dorrell explores the importance of being present in the church community, drawing from Hebrews 10:19-25. He highlights the contrast between faithful attendees, who prioritize church and contribute to its health, and irregular attendees, who struggle to fully engage due to inconsistent presence. Regular church attendance fosters deep relationships, provides support during challenges, and strengthens faith. Pastor Dorrell emphasizes that as following Christ becomes more difficult, commitment to the church is a crucial source of encouragement and spiritual protection.

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Hebrews | Step Out - Season 4, Episode 17

In this episode, Pastor Dorrell explores the nature of faith through the example of Abraham in Hebrews 11:8-19. Despite his flaws and uncertain circumstances, Abraham demonstrated unwavering trust in God, stepping out in obedience even when the path was unclear. His journey challenges believers to examine their own faith—are they prioritizing God’s promises over present comfort? Pastor Dorrell encourages listeners to take bold steps of faith, move beyond fear and disobedience, and embrace the unknown, trusting that God’s blessings often come through faithful action.

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Hebrews | The Walk of Faith - Season 4, Episode 8

In this sermon, Pastor Dorrell explores the essence of faith as illustrated in Hebrews 11:5-6, emphasizing that salvation is achieved through faith rather than religious rituals. Drawing from the examples of Abel and Enoch, Pastor Dorrell highlights how true faith leads to righteous actions and a profound relationship with God. Listeners are encouraged to prioritize God's values over worldly ones and to navigate ethical challenges by maintaining a strong connection with God through scripture and prayer. Tune in to be inspired by Enoch's example of walking closely with the Lord.

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Hebrews | Through Faith, The World Was Framed - Season 4, Episode 4

In this sermon, Pastor Dorrell explores the concept of faith as the foundation for understanding our universe's origin and purpose. Drawing from Hebrews 11:3, he contrasts the limitations of science in explaining existence with the biblical perspective that God created the universe for His glory and our benefit. Pastor Dorrell highlights how both creationism and evolution involve elements of faith, urging listeners to live a life reflecting faith in God. Emphasizing the eternal nature of spiritual rewards, he offers hope and encouragement to persevere through life's challenges, pointing to a future filled with divine promise.

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Hebrews | From Shadow to the Son - Episode 143

In this sermon, Pastor Dorrell invites listeners to explore the profound message of Hebrews 10, where the finality and transformative power of Jesus’ sacrifice are emphasized. Highlighting the inadequacy of Old Testament sacrifices, Pastor Dorrell underscores the superiority of Christ’s atonement, which grants believers bold access to God. He encourages genuine faith and active participation within the church community, urging believers to move beyond mere religious observance to a deeper, unwavering devotion to Christ. This episode calls upon followers to reflect on their commitment and the significance of Christ’s once-and-for-all offering.

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Hebrews | The Final Sacrifice - 140

In this episode, Pastor Dorrell explores the Day of Atonement from Leviticus 16, connecting it to Jesus Christ's ultimate sacrifice. His sermon highlights Jesus as fulfilling the Old Testament rituals, offering eternal redemption and replacing the need for repeated sacrifices. Emphasizing salvation through faith alone in Jesus, Pastor Dorrell calls listeners to accept Him as Savior, underscoring the importance of His atonement in our lives. This sermon encourages reflection on life's brevity and the transformative power of faith, urging a personal acceptance of God's grace.

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Hebrews | The Fulfillment of Promise - Episode 134

In this episode, we explore the profound revelation of God through scripture and covenants, particularly the transition from the Old Testament to the new covenant in Jesus Christ. The Old Testament covenants, such as the Abrahamic, Davidic, and Mosaic, held significant promises and fulfillments, but the Mosaic covenant, with its Ten Commandments, highlighted human sinfulness and the need for a savior. The book of Hebrews argues for Jesus’ superiority over the old religious system, emphasizing the new covenant’s better promises and forgiveness through grace, rather than relying on animal sacrifices and external rituals. Pastor Dorrell emphasizes faith over works, urging listeners to accept Christ as their savior and live a righteous life to honor God’s grace.

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Hebrews | Better, More Powerful, and More Important - Episode 104

In this sermon, Pastor Daniel emphasizes the unmatched greatness of Jesus, reminding us that He is superior to Moses, angels, and all earthly priorities. The message challenges us to trust God fully and keep our eyes fixed on Christ. Pastor Daniel encourages us to remove distractions that pull us away from Jesus. Learn how to live with Christ at the center of your life and make Him your highest priority.

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