In this sermon, Pastor Dorrell explores the necessity of endings before new beginnings, drawing from the biblical passage John 12:24. The message highlights how, like the transition from one year to the next, personal growth often requires letting go of past habits or beliefs. The sermon encourages listeners to reflect on aspects of their lives that may need to be set aside to embrace positive change.
Read MoreIn this episode, we delve into the story of Barabbas and what it represents for us as individuals. The story takes us through Jesus' final days on earth, from his triumphant entry into Jerusalem to the mock trial before Pilate. We learn about the choices made by those involved in the story and how they relate to our own choices today. The question of "what shall I do with Jesus?" is an important one for us to consider, as it represents the choice we all must make between good and evil, between Christ and Barabbas. Join us as we explore what it means to choose Christ and honor Him with our lives.
Read MoreDiscover the powerful message behind the biblical story of Jesus turning water into wine at a wedding in ancient Israel. In this episode, Pastor Dan Preston highlights the importance of obedience and enthusiasm in following God's commands, drawing a parallel between filling water pots and experiencing miraculous outcomes. Don't miss this insightful and thought-provoking sermon.
Read MoreForgiveness is required to maintain the bridges that make up relationships. Relationships are an exercise in bridge building, and nothing is more important in maintaining those bridges than forgiveness.
Read MoreChrist asks each of us the same question, "Do you love me more than __________?" If we are going to accept and perform the ministry Christ has given to us, we must answer this question in the affirmative. Christ's expectation of Peter and us are simple. He wants us to love Him and people. That is the ministry He has given to us.
Read MoreThe pursuit of personal greatness is a threat to things that are great and meaningful. If we're going to make a difference for the Lord, we have to set aside our egos and personal ambition. It is when our hearts are directed toward others that greatness is found.
Read MoreThe infinite God left paradise and love to dwell in a fallen world and face abuse. It is the ultimate demonstration of love. It is the ultimate gift. Often, our default response to this gift is to focus on ourselves and what we gain. However, a correct response is to seek to give to others because of all we’ve been given.
Read MoreHow you come to the Lord matters. How you respond to Christ determines His response to you. No one loves you like the Lord, but the response you get from Him will be a direct result of the response you give to Him.
Read MoreAction follows thought. What we end up doing originates in our minds. If you want to change your actions, you have to change your thinking. We need to learn to take personal responsibility and think the right way.
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