Posts in Proverbs
Share the Wealth - Episode 49

In this inspiring sermon, Pastor Andrew explores the importance of leveraging our life experiences, wisdom, and resources to make a positive impact on others. Discover how your unique “treasure chest” of experiences can be used to guide, encourage, and support others, and learn how the value of your life is determined by how much you give away. Be challenged to follow Jesus' example of selfless giving and invest your resources, time, and talents to make an eternal difference in the lives of others.

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Stay - Episode 39

In this episode, Bill Rice underscores the need to stay committed to Bible beliefs and the importance of understanding and preserving traditions. His refrain to “leave the stones alone” is a call to understand and carry on the mission of the previous generation.

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Resilient Marriage - Episode 122

This message explores the importance of demonstrating resiliency and grace towards one another in our fallen, sinful world. The speaker uses the analogy of a bank account, emphasizing the need for regular deposits in our relationships to offset the withdrawals of our sin nature. We are reminded that maintaining positive relationships and institutions requires both grace and intentional investment.

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A Better Life - Episode 48

God has specific instruction for our lives. Wisdom is a skill for living life according to God's instruction. A wise person learns the skills necessary to follow God's plan. More wisdom results in a better life as you learn to live according to God's plan. Wisdom is attained through pursuit, and is retained through an openness to correction.

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Purposeful Parenting | Introduction - Episode 11

Of utmost importance in raising children is the environment they are brought up in. The Bible gives us the deliberate analogy of archery. Through discipline and training you can point an arrow at a target and hit the mark. Wishing and hoping will not help you in hitting that goal. God’s grace notwithstanding, children will hit the target they are pointed at. If an arrow fails to hit the target, we rarely blame the arrow; we look elsewhere—as we must in parenting. It is exceedingly hard for a child to become what a parent is not and for a child to behave in a way in which they have not been trained. Parenting must be done on purpose.

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