Posts in Psalms
Light Brings Hope - Episode 147

The Christmas season is celebrated with lights, symbolizing the hope and life that Jesus brings. Despite the darkness in the world, the Bible teaches that God is light, and Jesus is the source of hope and salvation. Lighting candles represents shared hope and the belief that God’s light shines within those who trust in Jesus.

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Ordinary Blessing - Episode 136

Ordinary life is filled with blessings, but we often overlook them, waiting for extraordinary moments.  We should learn to appreciate the simple pleasures, like a good meal, a walk with family, or a beautiful sunset, as they are gifts from God.  By shifting our perspective and recognizing the potential for worse, we can cultivate gratitude for the ordinary miracles in our lives.

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Feeling Forgotten - Episode 118

This message, based on Psalms 42, centers on the psalmist’s heartfelt cry, "Why have you forgotten me?" This refrain reflects the emotional struggles many believers face. In this message, Pastor Daniel encourages introspective dialogue during tough times, urging us to question our feelings and seek God's truth.

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What Exactly Is a Parent Anyway? - Episode 23

Parenting is a challenging task, but the gospel offers a transformative perspective, providing hope and guidance. It helps parents understand their role and navigate difficulties. The gospel's impact extends beyond parenting, bringing about radical change in all aspects of life. It reveals our purpose as parents and provides the hope we need to face each day with confidence.

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Evaluate and Change - Episode 2

Every system is perfectly designed to get the result it does, and in this message, we explore how this principle can be applied to human behavior. There is great importance of making choices in light of their outcomes, as every decision is tied to a consequence. We are encouraged to take inventory of our choices and do a systems check in the new year.

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When Darkness Seems to Hide His Face - Episode 129

You may feel like you’re walking through the valley of the shadow of death but that God isn’t with you. It may seem that there is not a path anywhere that would lead you out. In these moments, you must lean into your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ more than you ever have. Lean into the truth that He will never leave us or forsake us. Lean into the truth that the God of the mountain is the God of the valley, that the God of the good times is the God of the bad times, and that the God of the day is the God of the night.

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Bill Prater, PsalmsBenjamin Siens
The Gift of Gratitude - Episode 125

Gratitude is a gift from God that allows us to appreciate and experience the beauty and wonder of the world. Our senses give us the ability to see and appreciate the world, and equally, gratitude is a gift that contributes to a vibrant and joyful life. The episode highlights how failure to be thankful could detract from the richness of life.

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Missions Month 2023 | Our Part - Episode 100

In this episode, we explore the concept of asking God for blessings. Contrary to popular belief, it's not selfish or greedy. Instead, it honors God as the giver of all blessings and humbles us by reminding us of the blessings we've already received. We also discuss why God blesses us, which is to contribute to his mission and be conformed to his image. As believers, we have a limited time to fulfill God's purpose and be a blessing to others, so it's crucial to seek from the Lord and give to the nations while there is time.

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Generativity - Episode 53

Generativity is defined as having "a concern for establishing and guiding the next generation.” The Psalmist exhorts us as adults to make it a priority to communicate to the younger generation the story of how God has led, guided, and blessed our lives. Are you hiding these things from them in any way?

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Purposeful Parenting | Introduction - Episode 11

Of utmost importance in raising children is the environment they are brought up in. The Bible gives us the deliberate analogy of archery. Through discipline and training you can point an arrow at a target and hit the mark. Wishing and hoping will not help you in hitting that goal. God’s grace notwithstanding, children will hit the target they are pointed at. If an arrow fails to hit the target, we rarely blame the arrow; we look elsewhere—as we must in parenting. It is exceedingly hard for a child to become what a parent is not and for a child to behave in a way in which they have not been trained. Parenting must be done on purpose.

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