In this sermon, Pastor Ben frames contributions to the work of the gospel spiritual investments, emphasizing the eternal impact of giving and encouraging consistent support for God's work. Giving is not a burden but is an incredible opportunity to invest in something lasting.
Read MoreIn this encouraging sermon, Pastor Ben teaches on the power of God's peace to bring inner strength and stability, even in the midst of life's anxieties and chaos. By entrusting our burdens to a proven, good God, we can transform our worries into peace and confidence. The message calls Christians to be confident ambassadors for Christ, focusing on what is good and trusting that God is in control.
Read MoreIn this episode, Pastor Ben walks through Daniel chapter 2, where the limitations of human wisdom are revealed through Nebuchadnezzar's dream. As Daniel interprets the dream, he shows how God's wisdom far surpasses all human knowledge and understanding. The message highlights the importance of relying on God and His Word as the ultimate source of wisdom.
Read MoreIn this episode, Pastor Ben explores Paul's teachings from Philippians, emphasizing the joy found in Christ over worldly pursuits. He addresses the false teachings of the Judaizers, who insisted on circumcision for salvation, and reinforces Paul's message that true joy and salvation come from faith in Christ alone. Join us as we explore the essence of true joy and fulfillment in a relationship with Jesus.
Read MoreIn this episode, Pastor Ben emphasizes the importance of unity among believers, highlighting the teachings from the letter to the Philippians. He discusses the call to live as citizens of God's kingdom, follow Jesus's example of humility and obedience, and work out our salvation by embodying Christ's selflessness. The sermon addresses how division weakens the church and how focusing on a common purpose, setting aside personal differences, and demonstrating love and humility can foster unity and strengthen the church's effectiveness.
Read MoreIn this compelling sermon, Pastor Ben explores Israel's tragic embrace of paganism and its impact on their relationship with Yahweh. He examines Jephthah's misguided vow, which reflected Israel's tendency to treat Yahweh like a pagan deity, and draws parallels to contemporary idolatry. Highlighting the dangers of a transactional approach to God, Pastor Ben urges listeners to worship Yahweh as King rather than trying to manipulate Him for personal gain. Join us for a powerful message on genuine faith and the consequences of mixing true worship with cultural idols.
Read MoreIn this episode, we look at the process outlined by the apostle John in the first five verses of the fifth chapter of 1 John. Grace is the means by which God saves us, and this grace is accessed through faith. While this is true of salvation. It is also true in the day today. God's grace is still available (and essential), and it is accessed the same way. In this sermon, we are brought back to the simple truth that saved us but that also has the power to transform us if we would simply avail ourselves to it.
Read MoreWe can rejoice and be content in the midst of the most profoundly awful things in life because of this wonderful, hope-filled promise: My grace is manifested in your weakness. The glory of God is manifested through our weakness.
Read MoreShechem was decimated, and Abimelech died because choosing a leader and being a leader are both actions for which we are held accountable. We often think and say, “God will hold accountable people who use their influence to lead others astray!” That’s true. However, equally true is that God will hold us all accountable for whom we choose to follow. Let us all consider where we’re going because whether we’re in the lead or being led, we will be held accountable for where we end up.
Read MoreIn life, a good ending is not made at the end but in the day-to-day moments that follow a good start. It's important to reflect on who got us to where we are, what our purpose is, and what instructions we've been given for living. We're all writing an ending to our lives, so it's important to consider what kind of ending we making by the life we're living today. Success comes from recognizing and continuing what led to our original success.
Read MoreGideon experienced spectacular victory, not because of his might, not because of his power, not because of anything in himself, chance or developed, but because of his repeated humble obedience to God’s simple commands. The product of victory comes through the process of obedience. We can only expect the product of victory if we are willing to submit ourselves to the process of obedience. Daily obedience. Hourly obedience. Over the course of a lifetime.
Read MoreThe reality for Gideon and for Israel was that they could not have victory and freedom from their bondage until they actually started demonstrating faith in what God had clearly said. And we are no different. We so often find ourselves experiencing the simple consequences of our own idolatry, of what we choose to believe. Belief affects behavior. And we cannot experience the freedom and victory God wants to give until we start demonstrating real faith in His Word by our obedience.
Read MoreDifferences pose barriers to relationship. Most all conflict, disagreement, hostility, and animosity can be traced back to people finding themselves on opposite sides of a divide. However, for the Christian, Christ is the ultimate commonality and trumps all other differences, no matter how seemingly significant. Christ is the ultimate bridge.
Read MoreGod is in the business of delivering His people, and He does so through human agents. However, He is no respecter of persons and He does not hesitate to use and give honor to a seemingly lesser vessel.
Read MoreGod’s people often wallow around in the consequences of their own actions for years or even decades, but God is willing to get His hands dirty in the messes His people make and is faithful to deliver them if and when they cry out for His deliverance. Step one in overcoming sin is to acknowledge that I’m the problem.
Read MoreThere is a temptation to be ashamed of the gospel message. But there is nothing to be ashamed of; it is a powerful message. It has the power to change the world, and because of its power, we have an obligation to share it.
Read MoreThrough history, God has chosen to bring about good in the world by His Spirit working through people. God wants to use you to accomplish good in the world. Are you a vessel God can use to bring about deliverance?
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