Posts in Matthew
Demming's Law - Episode 111

In this sermon, Pastor Dorrell examines Jesus’ final hours, drawing profound lessons from His time with the disciples in Gethsemane. In the case of the disciples, their spirits were very willing, but their flesh was inhibiting. In life, no matter how good our intentions, failing to submit ourselves to the discipline of a process will produce a product likely in conflict with the good intentions of our spirit.

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Missions Month 2024 | Make Your Bed - Episode 89

In this episode, guest speaker Kyle Ohsfeldt discusses the profound significance of the Great Commission, emphasizing the responsibility given to the disciples to spread the gospel to all nations. He challenges listeners to reflect on their personal commitment to evangelism, starting in their own communities, and to prioritize spiritual conversations and outreach in their daily lives.

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The Essential Difference - Episode 69

In this episode, Pastor Dorrell focuses on the parable of the ten virgins, highlighting the critical importance of preparation in all areas of life. He explains the contrast between those who are ready and those who are not, showing how moments of crisis reveal our true character and faith. Discover why being prepared is essential, how it impacts our ability to handle life's challenges, and the lasting consequences of neglecting preparation. Tune in to learn valuable lessons on making the most of every opportunity and living a life free from regret.

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The Promises of God | The Promise of Rest - Episode 107

In this message, we explore the promises of God and the reasons behind them. We delve into the difficulties faced by Jesus' disciples as they did the work of the ministry and how Jesus offered them rest. We discuss the conditions of this promise, which involves submissively submitting to Jesus' yoke and adopting his lifestyle. If you're feeling weary or burdened, this message offers insights on finding rest and peace by coming to Jesus.

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The Lord's Prayer | Our Daily Bread - Episode 105

In this message, we look at the portion of the prayer in which Jesus commanded us to ask for our daily bread, representing our physical and spiritual sustenance. We should not be afraid to ask God to meet our needs, as He wants us to depend on Him like a child on a parent. However, we should also be concerned with the needs of those around us and strive to bring God's kingdom to earth. Ultimately, we must prioritize the bread of life over the bread of this world, as Christ is the only way to eternal life.

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Jesus' Final Days | Not Forsaken - Episode 37

The self-restraint of God demonstrated on the day of Christ's crucifixion is remarkable and unparalleled in history. The jeers and mockery Christ faced, the rejection he experienced from everyone, including God the Father, are hard to fathom. All of this Christ endured willingly for us because he loves us. Love relinquishes all, and love absorbs all. What are you wiling to relinquish, and what are you willing to absorb for the sake of love?

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