Posts in Acts of the Apostles
Acts of the Apostles | One Thing Never Changes - Episode 85

In this sermon, Pastor Dorrell explores the theme of closed and open doors in Paul's ministry, highlighting the significance of prayer and seeking divine guidance. Reflecting on Paul's time in Rome, where he turned imprisonment into an opportunity to spread the gospel, the message emphasizes the importance of recognizing and seizing opportunities to witness for Christ in our everyday lives. Listeners are encouraged to be proactive in sharing their faith, even when circumstances seem challenging.

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Acts of the Apostles | When the Storms of Life Come - Episode 75

In this sermon, Pastor Dorrell explores Paul's treacherous journey to Rome, highlighting his shipwreck, time in Malta, and the misinterpretations of his actions. Despite facing significant hardships, Paul demonstrates unwavering faith, heals many, and leaves a lasting impact on the people he encounters. The narrative underscores God's providence, the importance of maintaining faith during trials, and the power of encouragement. Join us as we reflect on God's care and protection in the midst of adversity.

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Acts of the Apostles | Paul's Defense: Faith Under Fire - Episode 64

Pastor Dorrell explores Paul's defense before Festus and Agrippa, emphasizing the theological accusations against him and the significance of his steadfast faith. Pastor Dorrell encourages listeners to stay true to their faith despite increasing hostility and societal opposition. He highlights the importance of upholding biblical values such as the sanctity of life, traditional marriage, and teachings on gender and sexuality. This sermon is a call to unwavering faith and truth in the face of adversity.

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Acts of the Apostles | Paul's Trials and God's Plan - Episode 61

In this Bible study on Acts 23-25, Pastor Dorrell explores Paul's imprisonment, trials, and appeal to Caesar, focusing on the humanity and motivations of the characters involved. After being rescued near the temple, Paul is imprisoned, questioned, and taken to Caesarea to be judged by Governor Felix. Despite knowing Paul's innocence, Festus keeps him in prison for two years to appease the Jews and maintain political stability. Paul ultimately appeals to Caesar, highlighting his unwavering faith in God's plan. Pastor Dorrell emphasizes the importance of biblical righteousness and cooperating with God's purpose, even in the face of injustice. Join us to learn valuable lessons from Paul's perseverance and dedication.

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Acts of the Apostles | The Providence of God - Episode 55

In this episode, Pastor Dorrell further presents the imprisonment of the Apostle Paul and his testimony before Felix. What becomes increasingly clear is Paul’s persistent resistance to any contemporary political identity. He was not in opposition to the Jews nor was he a threat to the Romans. His first and primary identity was that of a Christian. His message was that of grace. It would be wise for Christians living in a politically charged world to take note. Our identity is Christ, and our message is grace. This message is however offensive to the world. In the case of Paul, contrary to the odds against him, His life did not end until the sovereign God ordained it. As God’s children facing a similar task, we can rest in the perfect providence of God.

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Acts of the Apostles | Assaulting the Castle of Darkness - Episode 36

In this episode, we dive into Acts 19:13-41 and explore the story of Paul's third missionary journey in Ephesus. Paul continued to evangelize and preach the gospel boldly. However, this was not without opposition, and he faced the formidable powers of darkness manifesting in the form of satanic, pagan ritual and culture in Ephesus.

Through this story, we learn about the reality of demonic spiritual powers and the importance of being rooted in God's word, prayer, and repudiation of sin. We also discuss the relevance of this story in our modern lives and how we can apply these principles to overcome the schemes of the enemy in our own spiritual journeys.

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Acts of the Apostles | The End of the Second Journey - Episode 21

In this episode, we discuss the conclusion of Paul’s second missionary journey, traveling from Corinth to Syria, with a stopover in Ephesus. Joined by Priscilla and Aquila, they established a church in Ephesus. Paul fulfills vows in Jerusalem and Antioch, then strengthens disciples in Galatia and Phrygia. His preaching about Christ and salvation sparks interest. Despite initial plans, he stays longer in Ephesus after discussions with Priscilla and Aquila, marking the start of his third journey.

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Acts of the Apostles | Essentials for Navigating Life - Episode 18

In this episode, Pastor Dorrell emphasizes the importance of community and connection in overcoming life's challenges. He draws parallels between the experiences of Apostle Paul and modern Christians, highlighting the need for support and encouragement from friends and fellow believers. He encourages overcoming isolation, embracing open-mindedness, and listening to different perspectives, even when challenging.

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