Close Enough to Help - Episode 65

In the Christian life, brothers and sisters in Christ are running together and along side one another. We all slip up; we all stumble. It is only human. When that happens, it is the responsibility of those brothers and sisters around us to help. We are to help one another. However, we cannot help one another if we are not close enough to do so. We cannot bare burdens at arm’s length. It requires connection.

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Ebenezer - Episode 63

When was the last time you needed God to do something special in your life? When was the last time you really needed God? The challenge from this message is simple: live in such a way that you need God. We all need stories to tell about what God is doing in our lives and if we don’t have them, maybe we are not doing all we can and should for God.

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The Apocalypse | The False Prophet - Episode 52

The word of God repeatedly warns us against believing the deceptive teachings of false prophets. There is perhaps no greater danger to God’s people than the intentional mixing of truth and falsehood. As God’s timetable for our planet draws to a conclusion, there will be a proliferation of those who will teach a compromised version of God’s word for selfish gain and self aggrandizement. The apex of all those who distort the truth of the Bible will be the Antichrist and his false prophet.

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The Apocalypse | The Beast Out of the Sea - Episode 49

The inevitable cannot be escaped. Life in a fallen world has inevitable hardship and hurt. We can't escape all things, but by the grace of God, we can survive all things. The things that hurt us do not have to destroy us. We win by dying in faith. A world of darkness and God-hating is inevitable. Be prepared for the inevitability of hardship, and be ready to endure it in faith.

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The Message of the Twelve | Hurting Ourselves and Hurting Others - Episode 48

The second great offense in the book of Malachi was that the priests were allowing the first to take place. They were accepting and facilitating faulty worship. Because the Levites were provided for by the people, they were literally hurting themselves by accepting the pathetic offerings from the people. So the people were being lead to stumble, and by their stumbling they were hurting those who were leading. Our failure to do right hurts ourselves and others. We diminish our lives and the lives of others by failing to uphold the truth.

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The Apocalypse | A War in Heaven and on Earth - Episode 46

Even against the most hostile attack, God is greater. We overcome our spiritual deficit and fate not though ourselves or anything we do, but by the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. It was that event on the cross that allows us to stand before God one day cleansed by the blood of the Lamb. Nothing Satan can do will take that away. It does not matter if it looks like Satan is winning both on earth and in our lives, we don’t have to be discouraged because we know that God is greater and that He has already won. However, even though Satan’s doom is sure, that does not mean he is not fighting and causing casualties. What are you doing to help the winning side? You can’t win a war you won’t fight in. We need to be soldiers in this life.

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