In this episode, we look at the process outlined by the apostle John in the first five verses of the fifth chapter of 1 John. Grace is the means by which God saves us, and this grace is accessed through faith. While this is true of salvation. It is also true in the day today. God's grace is still available (and essential), and it is accessed the same way. In this sermon, we are brought back to the simple truth that saved us but that also has the power to transform us if we would simply avail ourselves to it.
Read MoreIn this sermon, Pastor John takes us back to the fundamentals of the faith, challenging us to love others through our actions. Drawing from the old commandment—the Golden Rule—he reminds us that love is not just a feeling but a conscious decision to put others before ourselves.
Read MoreIn this podcast episode, we dive into the second chapter of 1 John, where John presents two truths and three tests in regards to cleanliness as a result of fellowship with God. We explore John's passionate love for God that he wanted to pass on to those he pastored. The focus of this episode is on the importance of Christ as our advocate and propitiation, who can pay for our sins and restore us to fellowship with God. We also discuss the three tests, a mental test, emotional test, and physical test, that we can use to evaluate our relationship with God and whether it is producing a clean life. Join us as we examine these invaluable truths that John wanted to impart and gain insights into living a joyful and clean life in fellowship with God.
Read MoreIn this episode, we delve into the story of Barabbas and what it represents for us as individuals. The story takes us through Jesus' final days on earth, from his triumphant entry into Jerusalem to the mock trial before Pilate. We learn about the choices made by those involved in the story and how they relate to our own choices today. The question of "what shall I do with Jesus?" is an important one for us to consider, as it represents the choice we all must make between good and evil, between Christ and Barabbas. Join us as we explore what it means to choose Christ and honor Him with our lives.
Read MoreThe Holy Spirit is not some accessory but is vital to the Christian experience. Without Him, we are not saved, and after salvation, He is the agent of change and Christlikeness in our lives.
Read MoreBe known as a servant of the church.
Read MoreSalvation comes through Jesus Christ alone, and it is in Him that a saved person finds his identity. The identity of Christ is that of a servant, and Christ expects us to live consistent with our identities.
Read MoreIn this episode, we discuss the events of chapters 18-19 in the book of Acts. Pastor emphasizes the importance of opening up our lives to new people, just as Priscilla and Aquila did with Apollos, as friendship and hospitality can bear eternal fruit.
Read MoreParenting is a challenging task, but the gospel offers a transformative perspective, providing hope and guidance. It helps parents understand their role and navigate difficulties. The gospel's impact extends beyond parenting, bringing about radical change in all aspects of life. It reveals our purpose as parents and provides the hope we need to face each day with confidence.
Read MoreIn this episode, we once again dive into the parable of the prodigal son, emphasizing the elder brother's resentment and the father's plea for reconciliation and unity. It is naive to think we can be right with the Father without being right with those he loves. The elder brother actually demonstrates a resentment for the Father and the love that was part of his nature.
Read MoreIn this episode, we discuss the conclusion of Paul’s second missionary journey, traveling from Corinth to Syria, with a stopover in Ephesus. Joined by Priscilla and Aquila, they established a church in Ephesus. Paul fulfills vows in Jerusalem and Antioch, then strengthens disciples in Galatia and Phrygia. His preaching about Christ and salvation sparks interest. Despite initial plans, he stays longer in Ephesus after discussions with Priscilla and Aquila, marking the start of his third journey.
Read MoreGood things don't just happen, and marriage is no exception to that rule. We must provide for that which we want to see in our marriages.
Read MoreWe are all somewhere in relation to the Father. Where are you? He’s waiting to cover you; he’s waiting to embrace you.
Read MoreIn this episode, Pastor Dorrell emphasizes the importance of community and connection in overcoming life's challenges. He draws parallels between the experiences of Apostle Paul and modern Christians, highlighting the need for support and encouragement from friends and fellow believers. He encourages overcoming isolation, embracing open-mindedness, and listening to different perspectives, even when challenging.
Read MoreIn this episode, we explore the parable of the prodigal son, a tale of a young man who disrespects cultural norms by asking for his inheritance prematurely. He leaves his family and Jewish heritage to live among the Gentiles, squandering his wealth on reckless and immoral living. Eventually, he hits rock bottom, unable to pay his debts, and decides to return to his father. We are reminded that we must come to God on His terms, approaching Him with humility and repentance, recognizing that salvation is not earned through works or bargaining but through faith in Jesus Christ and His sacrifice.
Read MoreIn this episode, Pastor Andrew urges us to consider our lives and the legacies we wish to leave behind. We are reminded of the importance of values like kindness, forgiveness, and charity and are encouraged to live for what truly matters to God.
Read MoreThis episode challenges our perspective on wealth and life's true purpose. Pastor Dorrell emphasizes the importance of living on less, being rich towards God and others, and aligning our choices with God's priorities.
Read MoreIn this episode, we explore the parable of the prodigal son in Luke 15. Jesus tells this story to religious leaders who are critical of his association with sinners. The parable highlights the themes of redemption, grace, and celebration, reminding us that there is always hope for those who have strayed to return to their Father's love. We are all prodigals who have squandered God's goodness, but God longs to forgive and welcome us back. The story is a call to turn from self-righteousness and hypocrisy and to extend love, kindness, and grace to others. Join us as we dive into this powerful reminder of God's grace and love.
Read MoreIn this episode, we explore the power of taking small initiatives in our faith. Through the story of Ruth, we see how taking small steps in difficult circumstances can lead to God's limitless intervention. We're encouraged to take initiative in our faith, even when it's hard or uncertain, and trust that God will respond and use our small actions to accomplish great things.
Read MoreIn this powerful message, we explore how Jesus purposefully enters the small town of Nain, where a widow is mourning the loss of her only son. Despite her emotional and financial desperation, Jesus shows up and offers more than just compassion - He provides a solution. He confronts our tendency to carry shame and devastation, assuming that nothing can be done, and invites us to humble ourselves and ask for His help. Don't miss this encouraging reminder that God can intervene in our darkest moments and turn our funeral processions into victorious marches.
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