The Promises of God | The Promise of Goodness - Episode 115

This message explores the reliability of God's promises and how we can align ourselves with His purposes to experience His goodness. The speaker highlights Romans 8:28 as a conditional promise requiring us to seek and understand God's purposes to receive its benefits. This message reminds us that when we pursue our own purposes, we forfeit the goodness of God.

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Lessons from Ecclesiastes | The Straight and the Crooked - Episode 112

In this message, we explore the book of Ecclesiastes and the sovereignty of God. Solomon observes that bad things happen to good people and good things happen to bad people and wrestles with the idea of being controlled by God. He encourages us to enjoy the good and consider God in the bad and warns against extremes and self-righteousness. Ultimately, the message challenges us to accept God for who He is and trust in His plan.

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Lessons from Ecclesiastes | Pursuing That Which Is Better - Episode 109

In this message, we delve into the profound significance of names as a fundamental aspect of our identity. Our names carry descriptors that shape our reputation, emphasizing the value of cultivating a good name through contemplation and intentional choices. Exploring the link between contemplating life and understanding mortality, listeners are encouraged to reflect on their character and legacy, leaving a lasting, positive imprint beyond their time.

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A Cautionary Tale for Kings and Kingmakers - Episode 108

Shechem was decimated, and Abimelech died because choosing a leader and being a leader are both actions for which we are held accountable. We often think and say, “God will hold accountable people who use their influence to lead others astray!” That’s true. However, equally true is that God will hold us all accountable for whom we choose to follow. Let us all consider where we’re going because whether we’re in the lead or being led, we will be held accountable for where we end up.

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The Promises of God | The Promise of Rest - Episode 107

In this message, we explore the promises of God and the reasons behind them. We delve into the difficulties faced by Jesus' disciples as they did the work of the ministry and how Jesus offered them rest. We discuss the conditions of this promise, which involves submissively submitting to Jesus' yoke and adopting his lifestyle. If you're feeling weary or burdened, this message offers insights on finding rest and peace by coming to Jesus.

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The Lord's Prayer | Our Daily Bread - Episode 105

In this message, we look at the portion of the prayer in which Jesus commanded us to ask for our daily bread, representing our physical and spiritual sustenance. We should not be afraid to ask God to meet our needs, as He wants us to depend on Him like a child on a parent. However, we should also be concerned with the needs of those around us and strive to bring God's kingdom to earth. Ultimately, we must prioritize the bread of life over the bread of this world, as Christ is the only way to eternal life.

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Gideon: A Journey of Faith - Episode 104

In life, a good ending is not made at the end but in the day-to-day moments that follow a good start. It's important to reflect on who got us to where we are, what our purpose is, and what instructions we've been given for living. We're all writing an ending to our lives, so it's important to consider what kind of ending we making by the life we're living today. Success comes from recognizing and continuing what led to our original success.

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Missions Month 2023 | What Missions Giving Affords the Believer - Episode 101

In this message, we explore the importance of giving to missions and how it enables the peace of God in our lives. Drawing from Paul's prescription in Philippians 4, we discuss how giving to missions is an essential part of the Christian life and our partnership with the cause of God. We also delve into the idea that being committed to missions enables fruit that will abound to our account. Join us as we examine the power of giving and its impact on our spiritual lives.

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Missions Month 2023 | Our Part - Episode 100

In this episode, we explore the concept of asking God for blessings. Contrary to popular belief, it's not selfish or greedy. Instead, it honors God as the giver of all blessings and humbles us by reminding us of the blessings we've already received. We also discuss why God blesses us, which is to contribute to his mission and be conformed to his image. As believers, we have a limited time to fulfill God's purpose and be a blessing to others, so it's crucial to seek from the Lord and give to the nations while there is time.

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Missions Month 2023 | Fill the Water-Pots - Epispde 98

Discover the powerful message behind the biblical story of Jesus turning water into wine at a wedding in ancient Israel. In this episode, Pastor Dan Preston highlights the importance of obedience and enthusiasm in following God's commands, drawing a parallel between filling water pots and experiencing miraculous outcomes. Don't miss this insightful and thought-provoking sermon.

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