Posts in Ecclesiastes
On Your Way Home - Episode 3

The listeners are urged to remember God in their lives and not let external influences distract them from the most important priorities. This message highlights how easily we tend to forget the Creator and seek fulfillment in meaningless pursuits. At the conclusion of Ecclesiastes, King Solomon labored on the importance of remembering God throughout the entirety of our lives.

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Wisdom Is Better - Episode 121

This message delves into the topic of chance and its influence on success and prosperity. In light of this, Solomon emphasizes the importance of wisdom over material wealth and tells a story of a wise, poor man who saved an entire city during a siege, not because of his wealth but because of his wisdom. The message encourages listeners to value wisdom and to be receptive to it, irrespective of its source.

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Lessons from Ecclesiastes | The Straight and the Crooked - Episode 112

In this message, we explore the book of Ecclesiastes and the sovereignty of God. Solomon observes that bad things happen to good people and good things happen to bad people and wrestles with the idea of being controlled by God. He encourages us to enjoy the good and consider God in the bad and warns against extremes and self-righteousness. Ultimately, the message challenges us to accept God for who He is and trust in His plan.

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Lessons from Ecclesiastes | Pursuing That Which Is Better - Episode 109

In this message, we delve into the profound significance of names as a fundamental aspect of our identity. Our names carry descriptors that shape our reputation, emphasizing the value of cultivating a good name through contemplation and intentional choices. Exploring the link between contemplating life and understanding mortality, listeners are encouraged to reflect on their character and legacy, leaving a lasting, positive imprint beyond their time.

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Lessons from Ecclesiastes | What to Do When Life Doesn't Make Sense - Episode 70

Solomon requested wisdom from God, and God, in turn, made him the wisest man who ever lived. Because Solomon could have asked anything of God but instead asked for wisdom, God gave him the things he didn't ask for in addition to the wisdom he did. Solomon had everything a man could ever wish for including power, wealth and prosperity. We would expect to find an old man full of peace and happiness. However, in Ecclesiastes we find an old man full of anxiety and emptiness. Solomon at one point in his life had a sensitive heart that was dependent on God, but a heart that had is not the same as a heart that has.

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