Acts of the Apostles | Overcoming Challenges - Episode 36

God is a God of order; that is clear in creation. He expects there to be order in the church. However, the church is not a business, and if you remove the Holy Spirit, the church becomes worthless. We must be both organized and Holy Spirit filled. We must be people of God who walk with God, and we must get our hands dirty in the service of the church. The church will be hurt by a neglect of the spiritual and the organizational. We all must do both, and we all must do our part.

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Acts of the Apostles | The Main Thing - Episode 34

The miracles of the early disciples were done within the context of sharing the gospel. Multitudes of people found healing, and this healing gave opportunity for preaching. All of Jerusalem was filled with the doctrine of the early church. This preaching of the gospel led to imprisonment by the religious establishment on multiple occasions. However, the early church was determined to obey God rather than man and they went right back the preaching the gospel, which is what had led to their imprisonment in the first place. God has given the church a singular mission, and it is vital that we keep the main thing the main thing.

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Better Decisions | Am I Being Honest with Myself - Episode 31

For every good choice we make, there are often many we regret. We all know the pain of poor decisions. Good or bad, our lives are made up of the decisions we make. Decisions determine the direction we go in life. Rather than living life by default, we ought to determine what kind of life we want to live. Good questions lead to good decisions, which lead to a good life.

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Benefits of Giving - Episode 28

In 2 Corinthians 9, Pauls attempts to challenge our thinking regarding giving. It is a law of the universe that if you sow bountifully you will reap bountifully. The law of cause and effect is a powerful law that can be used to our advantage. The gift of giving does not discriminate. God gives to all equally the grace to give. We can all leverage the law of sowing and reaping.

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Words Matter | Lips That Lie - Episode 26

Abraham, just like all of us, had struggles with lying. We use lies to protect ourselves, to make our lives better, and to bring perceived freedom. However, lies typically do the opposite. They bring us and others hurt and bondage. If we say we love God but don’t live in such a way that demonstrates it, we are living a lie. He doesn’t expect us to be perfect, but he does expect us to keep improving and growing. We are to live a life of truth and a life that demonstrates Christ to others.

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Acts of the Apostles | In the Name of Jesus - Episode 24

Peter in the healing the lame man of Acts 3 was acting under Christ's authority and was doing what Christ would do in that same circumstance. Peter simply gave of what he had to help the man in need. It was this act of kindness on the part of Peter that led to the lame man praising God. Sometimes an act of kindness needs to precede the declaration of a truth. Kindness draws people to the sound of the gospel, and the truth keeps them and makes them disciples.

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Purposeful Parenting | Truth About Teens - Episode 22

Perhaps one of the most interesting social developments in the 20th century was the development of a unique social group between children and adults called "teenagers." This created a new interlude of social development and self-defining for young people. This new demographic of teenager lowered expectations for young people. We all rise to the expectations set for us and these new lower expectations keep teenagers from becoming what they potentially could be. Teenagers are young adults; they ought to act like young adults. However, they do face unique challenges that we would be naïve to ignore.

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Acts of the Apostles | Priority of the Church - Episode 21

Our concept of the individual has been greatly affected by our culture. Historically speaking, people have thought of themselves as part of a larger whole, part of a community. However, modernity has led to an emphasis on self over against community. The idea that a person would be a Christian and grow spiritually apart from commitment to a local church community is a cultural idea not a biblical one. Church is a big deal. Gathering together faithfully is a big deal. And it is not optional.

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Step One - Episode 20

God’s people often wallow around in the consequences of their own actions for years or even decades, but God is willing to get His hands dirty in the messes His people make and is faithful to deliver them if and when they cry out for His deliverance. Step one in overcoming sin is to acknowledge that I’m the problem.

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Words Matter | Permission to Complain - Epsisode 18

What if every time we complained, God took it personally as an affront to Him. That is exactly how He viewed Israel's complaining in the wilderness. He saw through their excuses to their hearts. He was not enough for them. When we complain, the problem is not our situation; it is that we've taken our eyes off the good things in life. When things can't be changed, you must change your perspective.

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