Posts in Daniel Fleet
Lessons from Ecclesiastes | What to Do When Life Doesn't Make Sense - Episode 70

Solomon requested wisdom from God, and God, in turn, made him the wisest man who ever lived. Because Solomon could have asked anything of God but instead asked for wisdom, God gave him the things he didn't ask for in addition to the wisdom he did. Solomon had everything a man could ever wish for including power, wealth and prosperity. We would expect to find an old man full of peace and happiness. However, in Ecclesiastes we find an old man full of anxiety and emptiness. Solomon at one point in his life had a sensitive heart that was dependent on God, but a heart that had is not the same as a heart that has.

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The King's Delight - Episode 50

In Christianity, success is measured in contributions made in God's kingdom. It is the love that Christians have for one another that is to be their defining characteristic. The Christian should ask, "What good am I doing for other people" because that is the true currency of heaven. Success in God's eyes is measured in how well we love people.

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A Better Life - Episode 48

God has specific instruction for our lives. Wisdom is a skill for living life according to God's instruction. A wise person learns the skills necessary to follow God's plan. More wisdom results in a better life as you learn to live according to God's plan. Wisdom is attained through pursuit, and is retained through an openness to correction.

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Jesus' Final Days | Not Forsaken - Episode 37

The self-restraint of God demonstrated on the day of Christ's crucifixion is remarkable and unparalleled in history. The jeers and mockery Christ faced, the rejection he experienced from everyone, including God the Father, are hard to fathom. All of this Christ endured willingly for us because he loves us. Love relinquishes all, and love absorbs all. What are you wiling to relinquish, and what are you willing to absorb for the sake of love?

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Better Decisions | Am I Being Honest with Myself - Episode 31

For every good choice we make, there are often many we regret. We all know the pain of poor decisions. Good or bad, our lives are made up of the decisions we make. Decisions determine the direction we go in life. Rather than living life by default, we ought to determine what kind of life we want to live. Good questions lead to good decisions, which lead to a good life.

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