Life is full of vulnerabilities, and one of life's greatest vulnerabilities is loneliness.
Read MoreThere is so much injustice in the world, but we are in no place to judge God because we don't have all of the facts. He has His own plans and His own timetable. He makes all things beautiful in His time.
Read MoreTime is a resource one cannot acquire more of. It cannot be saved. There's no such thing as a time account. If you waste enough time, you end up wasting seasons. Waste enough seasons and you end up with a wasted life.
Read MoreA life given to the pursuit of pleasure and mirth will never fulfill. It is a destination that can never be reached. It will always leave you grasping for more. It is the journey, not life's destination, that deliver the best life.
Read MoreLessons from Ecclesiastes | The Practice of Rejoicing
Read MoreSolomon requested wisdom from God, and God, in turn, made him the wisest man who ever lived. Because Solomon could have asked anything of God but instead asked for wisdom, God gave him the things he didn't ask for in addition to the wisdom he did. Solomon had everything a man could ever wish for including power, wealth and prosperity. We would expect to find an old man full of peace and happiness. However, in Ecclesiastes we find an old man full of anxiety and emptiness. Solomon at one point in his life had a sensitive heart that was dependent on God, but a heart that had is not the same as a heart that has.
Read MoreBridge Builders | The Father's Heart - Episode 58
Read MoreIn Christianity, success is measured in contributions made in God's kingdom. It is the love that Christians have for one another that is to be their defining characteristic. The Christian should ask, "What good am I doing for other people" because that is the true currency of heaven. Success in God's eyes is measured in how well we love people.
Read MoreGod has specific instruction for our lives. Wisdom is a skill for living life according to God's instruction. A wise person learns the skills necessary to follow God's plan. More wisdom results in a better life as you learn to live according to God's plan. Wisdom is attained through pursuit, and is retained through an openness to correction.
Read MoreThe self-restraint of God demonstrated on the day of Christ's crucifixion is remarkable and unparalleled in history. The jeers and mockery Christ faced, the rejection he experienced from everyone, including God the Father, are hard to fathom. All of this Christ endured willingly for us because he loves us. Love relinquishes all, and love absorbs all. What are you wiling to relinquish, and what are you willing to absorb for the sake of love?
Read MoreThe pursuit of personal greatness is a threat to things that are great and meaningful. If we're going to make a difference for the Lord, we have to set aside our egos and personal ambition. It is when our hearts are directed toward others that greatness is found.
Read MoreFor every good choice we make, there are often many we regret. We all know the pain of poor decisions. Good or bad, our lives are made up of the decisions we make. Decisions determine the direction we go in life. Rather than living life by default, we ought to determine what kind of life we want to live. Good questions lead to good decisions, which lead to a good life.
Read MoreMiriam, accompanied by Aaron, in her jealousy, criticized Moses and undermined his leadership. However, her criticism was nothing more than a smoke screen hiding the nature of her own heart. Criticism always reveals more about the heart of the criticizer than the criticized.
Read MoreAbraham, just like all of us, had struggles with lying. We use lies to protect ourselves, to make our lives better, and to bring perceived freedom. However, lies typically do the opposite. They bring us and others hurt and bondage. If we say we love God but don’t live in such a way that demonstrates it, we are living a lie. He doesn’t expect us to be perfect, but he does expect us to keep improving and growing. We are to live a life of truth and a life that demonstrates Christ to others.
Read MorePaul expressed concern in his letter to Timothy that idle time could lead to idle talk and gossip. Gossip is the act of intentionally or unintentionally tear down and harm other people. We like it, but it is destructive and harms every person involved.
Read MoreWhat if every time we complained, God took it personally as an affront to Him. That is exactly how He viewed Israel's complaining in the wilderness. He saw through their excuses to their hearts. He was not enough for them. When we complain, the problem is not our situation; it is that we've taken our eyes off the good things in life. When things can't be changed, you must change your perspective.
Read MoreWe all speak a remarkable number of words each and every day, and those words are not benign. They have great power to do good or to harm. Our words are simply a reflection of what is inside of us. A vile tongue reveals internal envy and strife. To cleanse our tongues, we must first cleanse our hearts.
Read MoreIn Ephesians chapter 4 verse 1, there is an invitation to be a genuine, authentic Christian, and genuine, authentic Christianity leads to something. It leads to self-giving love; it is manifested through self-giving love.
Read MoreWalking worthy means living an authentic, genuine Christianity. However, you cannot become authentic and genuine until you become aware of who you are now. You must be self aware in order to change. In order to become self aware, you need the help of Christ and the help of others. It's your story. Make it real; make it genuine.
Read MoreKnowing that Christ loves you isn’t the same thing as comprehending His love. When we apply ourselves to comprehending His love our confidence and purpose are strengthened. We have no excuse for insecurity or despair because of His great love for us.
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