A life given to the pursuit of pleasure and mirth will never fulfill. It is a destination that can never be reached. It will always leave you grasping for more. It is the journey, not life's destination, that deliver the best life.
Read MoreActs 13 marks the beginning of the missionary endeavors of the early church, which became their primary purpose and focus.
Read MoreIn a world that has completely engineered all discomfort from life, something is lost. Not only are we weaker people physically, but we are also weaker spiritually and fail to fully realize and manifest the total sufficiency of Christ and His grace.
Read MoreLessons from Ecclesiastes | The Practice of Rejoicing
Read MoreSolomon requested wisdom from God, and God, in turn, made him the wisest man who ever lived. Because Solomon could have asked anything of God but instead asked for wisdom, God gave him the things he didn't ask for in addition to the wisdom he did. Solomon had everything a man could ever wish for including power, wealth and prosperity. We would expect to find an old man full of peace and happiness. However, in Ecclesiastes we find an old man full of anxiety and emptiness. Solomon at one point in his life had a sensitive heart that was dependent on God, but a heart that had is not the same as a heart that has.
Read MoreWaiting in Tarsus
Read MoreA Man with Two Diseases
Read MoreThere is wisdom for us in understanding and aligning ourselves with the purposes of God. There is incredible foolishness in and consequences for aligning ourselves against Him.
Read MoreBeing Good at Being a Man
Read MoreA determination to give generously above and beyond what was required was the heart of the early church, as it should be the heart of every believer.
Read MoreDifferences pose barriers to relationship. Most all conflict, disagreement, hostility, and animosity can be traced back to people finding themselves on opposite sides of a divide. However, for the Christian, Christ is the ultimate commonality and trumps all other differences, no matter how seemingly significant. Christ is the ultimate bridge.
Read MoreBy Acts 11, the seed of the gospel that started in Jerusalem was spreading rapidly throughout the known world, with Antioch soon becoming a hub, bursting at the seems with new converts. The church in Jerusalem sent a man to train and encourage these recently converted former pagans. They sent a "good man" named Barnabas, who was known as an encourager.
Read MoreGod is in the business of delivering His people, and He does so through human agents. However, He is no respecter of persons and He does not hesitate to use and give honor to a seemingly lesser vessel.
Read MoreThere are many times in life that we might think, "What is God up to?" We may wonder why He lets certain things happen or why He leads us a certain way. But often times, there is a lesson He wants to teach us; there is a faith He wants to build in the waiting.
Read MorePrejudice is the grouping of people by a particular character trait deemed as lesser. It is human nature to be prejudiced towards those who are perceived as different. However, there is absolutely no place for prejudice in the Christian life. We are all sinners before God, and we are all the objects of His love as demonstrated in the life and death of Jesus Christ. God forbid that we say, "God forbid" to someone who needs His love.
Read MoreThe Encouragers
Read MoreBridge Builders | The Father's Heart - Episode 58
Read MoreRemember - Episode 57
Read MoreAfter Paul was saved on the Damascus road and before the began his ministry to the gentile world in earnest he spent 3 years in Arabia. This was a time he spent with the Lord and growing in the spirit. We spend too little time alone with the lord and our contemporary culture often makes this even more difficult.
Read MoreAn expert in Old Testament Law asked Jesus, “Who is my neighbor?” In response to this question, Jesus told the parable of the Good Samaritan. At the end of the story, Jesus turned the question back on this man, and instructed him to rather ask, “Whose neighbor are you?” One of the main ways we build bridges in our relationships is by selflessly loving and caring for others without conditions.
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