The Message of the Twelve | The Sovereignty of God - Episode 16

God gave Zechariah a vision, and in chapter 6, God revealed to Zechariah that He is sovereign and in control of everything that is taking place in the world. The theology of God’s sovereignty continues to our present world and current condition. Our understanding of this great Bible truth should be reflected in our faith, our hope, and our praise.

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The Book of 2 Peter | What's in Your Well - Episode 15

The belief that “we can do what we want because we are already saved” is empty. The people that teach that and similar beliefs are like a well without water. They have no depth; their lives are empty. Are you a dry well? If someone came to you would they leave thirsty or quenched? How do you fill your well? By going to Christ every day. He is the everlasting water. We are all subject to other influences in our lives. We can be mastered by God or self, but we can’t be mastered by both. Every time you give in to your own selfish wants and desires, you become more of a slave to self. We can overcome that, but we have to make God our master. We have to love Him, know Him, and want to serve Him.

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The Apocalypse | The Church at Laodicea - Episode 14

For us to believe that modern Christianity is what God intended, we would be sorely mistaken. The blessing and prosperity in Laodicea was doing something insidious in the hearts of the believers there. God cares what happens in His churches. God’s message to the church at Laodicea was nothing but sadness and rebuke. Their wealth and prosperity made them blind to how useless they were to God. Sometimes our greatest enemy is within ourselves. If Laodicea, in its first century wealth, was rendered useless, what hope is there for us? This is a strong warning. Wealth, success, and security make people weak.

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The Book of 2 Peter | The Judge and the Deliverer - Episode 9

God is going to deliver the righteous, and He is going to punish the unjust. He judged wicked people in the Old Testament, and it is consistent with His character that He would judge the ungodly in the present. However, just as God delivered the righteous in the Old Testament, when trials come in the lives of the righteous, it is consistent with His character the He would deliver them.

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Safe in God's Love - Episode 7

The story of Christianity can be summed up in the fact that God loves us. Throughout Israel’s history, it’s abundantly clear that God was there working in the lives of His people. Likewise, all of us, as God’s children, will experience God’s love working in our lives for good. We simply have to trust Him and His plan. We are safe in God’s love.

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The Book of 2 Peter | Remember & Don't Forget - Episode 4

Peter is at the end of his life and this is the final letter he writes to strengthen the brethren as Christ had instructed him to do. This is his final, parting advice to all believers. In this increasingly dark world, he exhorts us to remember the Word of God we have been taught. In a world full of things that can't be trusted, it is trustworthy and can be a guide to our lives.

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The Apocalypse | The Church at Sardis - Episode 3

Are you authentic? We often think of authenticity being on the inside, but authentic Christians are externally verifiable. One is not a Christian just because he says so. Anyone can call anything gold, but a simple test will determine whether or not it really is. If one is a real Christian, he will have a spiritual pulse. This is not a question of merit. It is a question of authenticity.

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The Message of the Twelve | Bringing the Mountain Down - Episode 2

God’s Spirit, power, and Truth are what this world needs. God’s Spirit and Truth are the solution to all of life’s problems, not systems and methodologies. His Spirit is the answer. It’s the answer for your brokenness. It’s the answer for your weakness. It’s the answer for your bitterness. It’s the answer for our church. It’s the answer for your family. It’s the answer for our mountain of challenges. Let us never underestimate the power of the Spirit in our lives, and let us never fail to ask for this power.

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