It is foolishness to hoard the resources we have given for fear of failure or loss. With the resources we have received comes the responsibility to take risks and do the work God has called us to.
Read MoreThe God of peace came to both make peace with Himself possible and offer peace to the souls of men.
Read MoreThis message discusses the importance of making wise choices in life. It emphasizes that even small actions and decisions can have significant consequences, whether good or bad. By choosing wisdom over folly, we can avoid the negative consequences that come with making poor choices and live a fulfilling life.
Read MoreThis message delves into the topic of chance and its influence on success and prosperity. In light of this, Solomon emphasizes the importance of wisdom over material wealth and tells a story of a wise, poor man who saved an entire city during a siege, not because of his wealth but because of his wisdom. The message encourages listeners to value wisdom and to be receptive to it, irrespective of its source.
Read MoreThe inevitability of death is a reality that comes for everyone, regardless of their position in life. Solomon asserts that there is an advantage in death for those who fear God, while the wicked will not fare well. However, those who are still alive still have an opportunity to choose; they have an opportunity to change.
Read MoreIn this message, we delve into the ending of the Lord's Prayer. The final line of this prayer is a pledge of allegiance to a powerful and eternal king who is above all others. This ending describes a reliance on an able and worthy king whom we are preparing to meet in eternity.
Read MoreWisdom is a rare jewel; it is not easy to find. But when it is found, it will be evident in the life of the one who has it. It is the wise who know that authority is futile to work against. To do so is to work against God.
Read MoreIn this message, we dive into the topic of temptation and the internal battle that takes place within us when we face it. We explore the importance of asking God to lead us away from temptation and deliver us from the tempter's voice. As Christians, we are called to be followers of Christ and choose which voice we will follow when faced with with our vices.
Read MoreIn this message, we explore the book of Ecclesiastes and the sovereignty of God. Solomon observes that bad things happen to good people and good things happen to bad people and wrestles with the idea of being controlled by God. He encourages us to enjoy the good and consider God in the bad and warns against extremes and self-righteousness. Ultimately, the message challenges us to accept God for who He is and trust in His plan.
Read MoreIn this episode, we explore the centrality of forgiveness and reconciliation to the gospel. We learn how forgiveness is both theological and pragmatic and how it is our greatest need and God's greatest gift. We also discover the importance of extending forgiveness to others and how it can bring about personal and relational restoration.
Read MoreIn this message, we delve into the profound significance of names as a fundamental aspect of our identity. Our names carry descriptors that shape our reputation, emphasizing the value of cultivating a good name through contemplation and intentional choices. Exploring the link between contemplating life and understanding mortality, listeners are encouraged to reflect on their character and legacy, leaving a lasting, positive imprint beyond their time.
Read MoreIn this message, we look at the portion of the prayer in which Jesus commanded us to ask for our daily bread, representing our physical and spiritual sustenance. We should not be afraid to ask God to meet our needs, as He wants us to depend on Him like a child on a parent. However, we should also be concerned with the needs of those around us and strive to bring God's kingdom to earth. Ultimately, we must prioritize the bread of life over the bread of this world, as Christ is the only way to eternal life.
Read MoreJesus' parables teach us the importance of belief and how it impacts our lives. Giving is important, but the heart behind it matters most. Our belief causes Jesus to work in our lives and the lives of others.
Read MoreWe intuitively think success comes before happiness. We success is the center of the universe and the ultimate goal. Why? So that we can be happy. Ironically, we sacrifice happiness for success. This is a broken equation.
Read More"Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done." is the central theme of the Lord's Prayer. It was the central theme of Christ's earthly ministry. When we pray this prayer, we are praying that God would be Lord and Ruler in our hearts. We know His kingdom has come in our hearts when His will is done in our lives.
Read MoreIn our efforts to make a good living, we need to check ourselves and ensure we are making a good life.
Read MoreChrist's first instruction concerning prayer involves how we address God. We're to address Him as Father, which is both a privilege and responsibility.
Read MoreEvery single believer is loved unconditionally and has a very specific place they fit in God's church. Every member is unique. Every person in the body has abilities that should be used.
Read MorePrayer is essential to the believer's ability to properly function in the world and is essential to the health of the Soul.
Read MoreIf we don't guard our hearts, we can easily become discontented with the things and people that we are most familiar with. This is no less true when it comes to the things of God. We must not be guilty of offering mindless sacrifice.
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