The Book of 2 Peter | Remember & Don't Forget - Episode 4

Peter is at the end of his life and this is the final letter he writes to strengthen the brethren as Christ had instructed him to do. This is his final, parting advice to all believers. In this increasingly dark world, he exhorts us to remember the Word of God we have been taught. In a world full of things that can't be trusted, it is trustworthy and can be a guide to our lives.

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The Apocalypse | The Church at Sardis - Episode 3

Are you authentic? We often think of authenticity being on the inside, but authentic Christians are externally verifiable. One is not a Christian just because he says so. Anyone can call anything gold, but a simple test will determine whether or not it really is. If one is a real Christian, he will have a spiritual pulse. This is not a question of merit. It is a question of authenticity.

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The Message of the Twelve | Bringing the Mountain Down - Episode 2

God’s Spirit, power, and Truth are what this world needs. God’s Spirit and Truth are the solution to all of life’s problems, not systems and methodologies. His Spirit is the answer. It’s the answer for your brokenness. It’s the answer for your weakness. It’s the answer for your bitterness. It’s the answer for our church. It’s the answer for your family. It’s the answer for our mountain of challenges. Let us never underestimate the power of the Spirit in our lives, and let us never fail to ask for this power.

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