Forgiveness is required to maintain the bridges that make up relationships. Relationships are an exercise in bridge building, and nothing is more important in maintaining those bridges than forgiveness.
Read MorePerhaps one of the most interesting social developments in the 20th century was the development of a unique social group between children and adults called "teenagers." This created a new interlude of social development and self-defining for young people. This new demographic of teenager lowered expectations for young people. We all rise to the expectations set for us and these new lower expectations keep teenagers from becoming what they potentially could be. Teenagers are young adults; they ought to act like young adults. However, they do face unique challenges that we would be naïve to ignore.
Read MoreEvery generation needs first generation faith. Parents forcing their own religion on their kids and making it a prison will only drive them away. Instead, the kids should see happy parents who truly love the Lord and have a relationship with Him. That is what will encourage them to develop their own relationship with Him.
Read MoreWe can all have the kind of heart that finds favor with God. Mary’s world was turned upside down in a terrifying way, but she gave a resounding, joy-filled “yes” back to God. When God interrupts our lives, how will we respond? God doesn’t chose us for selfish joy; He often interrupts us and asks us to forsake our ease and our comfort for a task that requires all of us.
Read MoreWe need to learn to inconvenience ourselves. Getting involved in the nitty gritty of the lives of other people is not something Christians generally do well. However, Christ is concerned that we not only avoid evil but that we also do good.
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