Christ suffered indescribably agony to be loyal to us. In the face of such willingness to be loyal to us, should we not strive to be loyal to Him?
Read MoreWinter Youth Rally 2023 - Episode 14
Read MoreEvery person has an innate desire to be accepted and included. Jesus was amazingly approachable. He was a friend of sinners. He was a conduit of God's grace. We need to be the same.
Read MoreMission effects how we live and behave. Your heart will be effected by the mission you choose to serve. If your heart is given to a mission, that will effect what you do. Our mission effects our decisions. Deciding what our mission is in advance can have an effect on the direction of our lives.
Read MoreJesus was busy in His ministry, but He still took the time to stop and observe. He saw people in there condition and was moved in His heart. There was no one to help them. This led Jesus to command us to pray that more people would go to help them.
Read MoreChildren are a significant part of Jesus' mission. It is children and those with hearts like children that make up the kingdom of God. It is vital that we make Jesus' mission our mission and give great effort to reaching children.
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