God is going to deliver the righteous, and He is going to punish the unjust. He judged wicked people in the Old Testament, and it is consistent with His character that He would judge the ungodly in the present. However, just as God delivered the righteous in the Old Testament, when trials come in the lives of the righteous, it is consistent with His character the He would deliver them.
Read MoreThere are not just threats outside the church; there are threats within the church. We need to be on guard. In the New Testament church, false teachers had arisen from within the church; the threat remains for us today. We need to be sure that, as a church, we are preaching the whole counsel of God.
Read MoreLife is full of frustrations, difficulties, pain, and hurt. When we find ourselves in the midst of pain and difficulty, when our souls are bitter, we have two options: we can lash out at those around us, or we can take our bitterness of soul to an all-powerful, loving God Who hears.
Read MorePeter is at the end of his life and this is the final letter he writes to strengthen the brethren as Christ had instructed him to do. This is his final, parting advice to all believers. In this increasingly dark world, he exhorts us to remember the Word of God we have been taught. In a world full of things that can't be trusted, it is trustworthy and can be a guide to our lives.
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