Posts in Acts of the Apostles
Acts of the Apostles | Beware Lest Ye Perish - Episode 76

In Acts 13, Paul preaches his first significant sermon recorded in the book. 400 miles from the start of their missionary journey, Paul and Barnabas began preaching the gospel in Antioch of Pisidia. Paul's message was calling people to a point of decision so that they might be saved. God is calling His people to truth, and He's asking us not to forsake it. Certain truths we reject to our peril. To marginalize any truth is to diminish our lives. Knowing truth helps and saves no one. That truth must move one to a point of decision.

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Acts of the Apostles | Prejudice Is Ugly - Episode 60

Prejudice is the grouping of people by a particular character trait deemed as lesser. It is human nature to be prejudiced towards those who are perceived as different. However, there is absolutely no place for prejudice in the Christian life. We are all sinners before God, and we are all the objects of His love as demonstrated in the life and death of Jesus Christ. God forbid that we say, "God forbid" to someone who needs His love.

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Acts of the Apostles | Indomitable Grace - Episode 40

Stephen was a man of faith so filled with grace that those murdering him saw in his face the countenance of an angel. They saw not hatred, anger, or pain but the manifested grace of God. The grace of God allowed Stephen to overcome unbelievable abuse and hardship. Mastering self is life’s hardest task. God’s grace enabling us to take abuse and hurt is a miracle in itself. We must ask ourselves: to what degree do we have power over our own selves? By whom and what are you controlled?

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Acts of the Apostles | Overcoming Challenges - Episode 36

God is a God of order; that is clear in creation. He expects there to be order in the church. However, the church is not a business, and if you remove the Holy Spirit, the church becomes worthless. We must be both organized and Holy Spirit filled. We must be people of God who walk with God, and we must get our hands dirty in the service of the church. The church will be hurt by a neglect of the spiritual and the organizational. We all must do both, and we all must do our part.

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Acts of the Apostles | The Main Thing - Episode 34

The miracles of the early disciples were done within the context of sharing the gospel. Multitudes of people found healing, and this healing gave opportunity for preaching. All of Jerusalem was filled with the doctrine of the early church. This preaching of the gospel led to imprisonment by the religious establishment on multiple occasions. However, the early church was determined to obey God rather than man and they went right back the preaching the gospel, which is what had led to their imprisonment in the first place. God has given the church a singular mission, and it is vital that we keep the main thing the main thing.

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Acts of the Apostles | In the Name of Jesus - Episode 24

Peter in the healing the lame man of Acts 3 was acting under Christ's authority and was doing what Christ would do in that same circumstance. Peter simply gave of what he had to help the man in need. It was this act of kindness on the part of Peter that led to the lame man praising God. Sometimes an act of kindness needs to precede the declaration of a truth. Kindness draws people to the sound of the gospel, and the truth keeps them and makes them disciples.

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Acts of the Apostles | Priority of the Church - Episode 21

Our concept of the individual has been greatly affected by our culture. Historically speaking, people have thought of themselves as part of a larger whole, part of a community. However, modernity has led to an emphasis on self over against community. The idea that a person would be a Christian and grow spiritually apart from commitment to a local church community is a cultural idea not a biblical one. Church is a big deal. Gathering together faithfully is a big deal. And it is not optional.

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The Acts of the Apostles | Return on Investment - Episode 10

The ascension of Christ was a spectacular, awe-inspiring event that left the disciples dumbfounded, both because of the glory of it…and because of the let down. Christ their constant companion, teacher, and leader for three years was now gone. His earthly ministry had culminated in this moment and now—silence. They were standing gazing into heaven, but the work was only just beginning. They were left for a purpose. They should have been going. How many of us have been guilty of gazing instead of going?

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