Posts in Book Review
The Habit of Spiritual Exercise

For years I have had an on-again, off-again relationship with exercise. I would make up my mind to “get healthy” and would join a gym, start jogging, or buy some dumbbells to use at home. I would go all in and spend an hour each day working out, sure that this time I was changing my life and becoming a healthier person. But each time, things would fizzle out in a matter of weeks or months. Circumstances would change, time would become scarce, or something else would interrupt my methods and motivation, and before I knew it, I was back to being a couch potato, feeling like a failure for not sticking with it.

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Finishing Well

“Would you like the world to be a better place for your having been here?” This is the question posed by Ken Blanchard in his forward to Bob Bickel’s book Finishing Well.  The premise of the book and its entire focus is on individuals who had a plan that they followed in an effort to make their later life one of significance, not just one of success.  Bickel speaks of “Life I” when we have to “prove ourselves” and “Life II” when we should “give back and make a difference.”

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