Dear Pastors and Youth Pastors,

Our winter rally 2025 is quickly approaching. We want to personally invite you and your teens to join us again this year. We are grateful for the opportunity to host an event like this each year that all our teens can enjoy together. We anticipate what God will do in their lives through the rally. Pastor David Hetzer will be our speaker. We know he will be a blessing to you. We hope you will make plans to join us.

Serving Together,

Andrew Calabrese
Next Generation Pastor


12:00pm - Registration and Lunch

1:00-4:00pm - Rally with Games, Door Prizes, Singing, Special Music, and Preaching


  • $15 per person

  • Register by Monday, January 13 to receive two free youth workers and 10% off!
    Space is limited. Please register your group as soon as possible. If registration closes early, we will do our best to notify you.

  • Help us by registering your group no later than Monday, January 20.
