Fatal Temptations Faced in “Seniorhood”

By Jim Ramsey

Having entered “seniorhood” I realize that my temptations are not the same as those faced by the younger generation, but I must constantly remind myself that Satan is relentless in his efforts to lure me into thought patterns and actions that can embarrass me and negate my influence.  Even at this stage of life, I’m here to represent my Savior, and my giving in to these temptations can in reality “embarrass” Him as well!

I read recently that a poll of 200+ seniors in a Bible study class listed a consensus of 5 “fatal temptations” that seniors must guard against day by day. Thinking on this list made me do some serious self-examination, and maybe these “red flags” can encourage you to do the same.

Spiritual Retirement

Placed #5 on the list was the temptation to “SPIRITUAL RETIREMENT” brought on by the “slow down, simplify, don’t get tied down” mentality…We can’t do what we used to do, can we? [It makes me tired just thinking about some of the things I have done in younger days] Say, here’s the thing: We are not expected to do those things, but we must not quit! There are some things we can still do, so let’s re-direct and re-channel our remaining energies and continue to make contributions to God’s work and in so doing enjoy a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction!


Listed #4 was the Temptation of “INFLEXIBILITY,” the resistance to change, resistance to getting out of our routine and being moved out of our “comfort zone.” The reality is that inflexibility is many times self-centeredness, and change may actually indicate progress that makes our lives better. Think about it! Were the “good old days” really the good old days? You and I enjoy a lot of “luxuries” that we didn’t have in our younger years, so let’s give change a chance.


Temptation listed #3 was the temptation of “REGRET,” the failure to forgive ourselves even though God has done so! We all have things in the past that are unpleasant but regret is a “ball and chain” that holds us back in our present Christian walk.  Truthfully, regret may be a demand for personal perfection which we will never find in this life.  Lord, help us not to let the past dictate our mindset and activity in the present.

Critical Spirit

The #2 temptation was the Temptation of a “CRITICAL SPIRIT,” which, sad to say, is sometimes a “trademark” of seniors that certainly gives them the wrong kind of attention!  We seniors should be shiners, not whiners!  God has given us good things in life to talk about, and an attitude of gratitude is our very best antidote to being critical of circumstances or others.  Let’s say something positive, or say nothing at all!


All of the temptations already considered are certainly debilitating to our lives as seniors, but guess what? Temptation #1 is “WORRY.”  As seniors we may let our concerns about the future dominate our lives to the point of causing physical, emotional, and even spiritual decline! Let’s focus our attention on our Heavenly Father Who has us in HIS hands!  Someone has said that “worry is glancing at God, but GAZING at circumstances, while trust is glancing at circumstances, but GAZING at God.” We CAN “cast all our cares upon Him” because He DOES care for us!

Hey “fellow seniorhood members!” How are YOU doing when it comes to dealing with these possibly fatal temptations that can cause us to lose our joy and our usefulness to our Savior?Let’s humbly ask God for His help so we don’t succumb to any of them.